Carda Health is the leading virtual cardiopulmonary rehab in the industry bringing evidence-based, gold standard care to those who need it most. 90% of eligible patients miss out on this life-saving care, so they're bringing it straight into their home.

The Challenge

Carda Health needed to attract seniors to their 100% virtual program, which didn't align with typical senior preferences. We streamlined their digital enrollment process and implemented custom event tracking for in-depth analytics and ad optimization. Through comprehensive A/B testing of ads, messaging, and landing pages, we identified optimal creative elements, target audiences, and angles that attracted high-quality leads. This data-driven approach resulted in a remarkable 50%+ lead conversion rate, demonstrating the effectiveness of tailoring messaging for virtual programs catering to seniors.

The Result


Enrollment volume increase over 3 months


Enrollment volume increase over 3 months


Enrollment volume increase over 3 months


Spend with flat CPA the whole way


Spend with flat CPA the whole way


Spend with flat CPA the whole way

What they say

ColdBru have meaningfully moved the needle for Carda Health. Ben and his team get it - they adapt to what our business needs and serve as solid thought partners on marketing and sales strategy. I’ve been impressed by their understanding of healthcare’s nuances, and that has made it much easier to work with them. Ben and his team have done more than create facebook ads and sort out our marketing analytics; they were a driving force for our rebrand and helped us pivot to the care model that's now at the heart of our business.

Harry DiFrancesco - CEO

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